Advanced Competitive Group

The PRA Advanced Competitive Group training and practice sessions are run by qualified archery coaches with a minimum of a Level 3 USA Archery certification.  Focus is on development for the advanced archer which includes, but no limited to shooting form and archery practice. Our coaches can direct programs in nutrition, sports psychology, equipment maintenance/tuning, physical training, and goal setting.

Who: PRA Membership required. Archers who have completed Level I and II advanced courses in one of the three offered archery styles.

What: Archers will continue to explore and advance the techniques learned in their advanced courses. Participants will be peer-coached to expand their skills and goals of competing in club, local, and national competitions.

Where: The Advanced Competitive Group meets Saturday mornings at bales #13-17.

When: Saturdays, a two hour time period between 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Advanced-Level Equipment: You must own equipment at this level. Different fees and requirements are in place for this level of class. Please refer to the Advanced Archery Coaching page for further details on this ongoing class.

Cost: PRA Membership + $80/yr.

How to Join: Membership is required. Referral by Level II coach, and/or invitation by ACG Coaches.